Quiz: Is Behavioral Analytics Right for Your Fraud Stack? 

Quiz: Is Behavioral Analytics Right for Your Fraud Stack? 

Behavioral analytics is a hot topic among fraud professionals. It’s long been an effective way to spot fraudsters and stop attacks, but the emergence of next-generation bots and other types of sophisticated, GenAI-powered fraud has drawn attention from more fraud teams looking to combat modern fraud threats.  

But is behavioral analytics right for every fraud stack? Its effectiveness depends on your goals and existing fraud mitigation strategy. In my experience, I’ve found that asking a few key questions at the start of your behavioral analytics journey can help you determine if it is the right approach for your business: 

Fraud Detection Quiz

What fraud problem is your business trying to solve?

Does your fraud stack currently include additional tools beyond a standard KYC check, such as physical biometrics or document verification?

Are additional checks applied to every user, or do you adapt checks to users’ risk level?

Are you confident in your stack’s ability to catch bots, including next-generation bots?

Can your stack detect and stop fraud attacks in real-time?

Deciding if you should implement behavioral analytics (and, if so, which provider to go with) is a big decision, and we’ve seen how poor planning at the beginning can make it frustrating for everyone. Our goal is to make sure you get the most out of any provider you go with. or a deeper look at behavioral analytics and how it could fit into your fraud stack, read our 2025 Buyer’s Guide to Behavioral Analytics for Fraud Prevention

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