As of August 13, we are excited to announce we are now part of Experian! Learn more about the acquisition and how we’re pioneering the frontier of fraud together.

Upgrade to Frictionless, End-to-End Fraud Protection

Trusted By

  • Bots
  • Mules
  • Promo Abuse
  • Payments
  • Account Take Over
  • Profile Changes
  • Scams
  • Gen AI

Gain Visibility Into the Fraud Activity You Know Exists But Can’t Yet Detect

Deep dive into the benefits of advanced fraud intelligence with resources from our experts.

Fraud and identity professionals are increasingly turning to behavioral analytics to defend against modern fraud attacks. Many are eager to learn about and test new providers, but choosing and implementing the right solution isn’t always easy. This guide answers the questions fraud teams face when evaluating behavioral analytics solutions and provides best practices for ensuring an effective integration.

Watch this webinar replay with Brian Russell, former SVP of Head of Enterprise Platform for Identity Management and Authentication at U.S. Bank, Sowmya Saiprasad, Head of Client and Product Solutions at Visa Direct, and Nash Ali, Head of Operational Strategy at NeuroID as they discuss seasonal fraud patterns and how you can prepare for them.

Explore in-depth breakdowns of seasonal patterns, even to the hour-by-hour length and velocity changes of different attacks (and what these patterns tell our data scientists) and strategies your peers took to proactively fight unseen fraud gaps, with stories from the front-lines of fraud mitigation.

Don’t Fall Behind Fraudsters.

Integrate cutting-edge, frictionless behavioral fraud intelligence that protects your entire user lifecycle, from a partner who understands your needs.