The Problem

The Solution

  1. Today’s attacks are made up of not just more sophisticated bots but higher bot-volume than ever before. In June 2024, bots led 2x the number of attacks than they did in January 2024. Speed, scale, and sophistication—these next-gen bots are a triple threat. How can you fight back?
  2. Advanced, fourth-generation bots are far more prevalent than expected. For almost 50% of our customers who encountered bots during the analysis, more than 95% of the bots were next-generation. Are you sure you’re seeing all your bot attacks?
  3. Fintech and sub-verticals are attracting more bots than ever . . . but every business is a target. While it was previously thought that sophisticated bots targeted only high-profile companies, every NeuroID customer with bot activity over the 7-week study had some form of fourth-generation bots.
  4. Next-generation detection is critical to keeping up. But what does next-gen bot detection look like if the bots are beating every vendor in your stack? Our report will show you.

Start Reading the Report

*About our Analysis: 7-week window spanning April 24 – June 11, 2024. Included over 55 US Credit Unions, Insurers, Lenders, Credit Card Issuers, Banks, and Fintechs, including Payment Processors, Platforms and Consumer Finance platforms who are current customers of NeuroID with our bot signal in place.

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